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10-12 Maggio 2019 - OVINOSPRING - Piacenza

Spazio dedicato ai tornei italiani di rilevanza interregionale: PTQ, Grand Prix e altri eventi ad ampia tiratura.

10-12 Maggio 2019 - OVINOSPRING - Piacenza

Messaggioda zazza » 3 apr '19, 12:09

ITALIAN ANNOUNCEMENT (for the English version, see below)

Magicplanet MTG e Ovinotournaments sono orgogliosi di invitarvi all'edizione 2019 di OVINOSPRING, in un nuova e fantastica sede!

Questa nuova Location ci permetterà di offrirvi, oltre ai soliti tornei di qualità:

1) Ampio spazio per giocatori e spettatori
2) Ampia scelta di ristorazione all'interno della sede Torneo
3) Servizio di Sicurezza Professionale dedicato
4) Facile raggiungibilità con i mezzi pubblici
5) Ampio parcheggio Auto Gratuito

Dove: Piazzale Marconi, 37, Piacenza (Shopping Center Borgofaxhall)
Quando : dal 10 al 12 Maggio 2019

I posti disponibili sono circa 300 al giorno, vi raccomandiamo di pre-iscrivervi per prenotare il vostro posto ;) potete pre-iscrivervi scrivendo in questo annuncio o inviando una mail a

Magicplanet MTG and Ovinotournaments are proud to invite you at the 2019 edition of the OVINOSPRING, in a new and fantastic venue!

This new location will allow us to offer you, in addition to the usual quality tournaments:
1) Ample space for players and spectators
2) Wide choice of restaurants within the Tournament venue
3) Dedicated Professional Security Service
4) Easy to reach with public transportation
5) Ample free car parking

Where: Piazzale Marconi, 37, Piacenza (Shopping Center Borgofaxhall)

When: From 10 to 12 May 2019

The seats available are around 300 a day, we recommend that you pre-register to reserve your seat ;) you can pre register writing in this announcement or sending a mail at

The Venue is just next the Train Station of Piacenza, easy to reach by train and car, and a free parking is available on site. ... d9.7061524

if you have any question, feel free to contact us writng:

Summary of the PROGRAM of OVINOSpring 2019:
Friday, from h.13,00: Trials for theMain Events: Various formats
Saturday 11 from h.9,30 :
Main event Legacy
Main event Event Pauper
Main event Oldschool
Sunday 12 from h.9,30 :
Main Event Modern
Main event Premodern
Main event Vintage
Main event Commander

Judge Staff: Main Events Head Judge Luca Chiassoni LX + TBA

Details of the Event:
Friday 10 May : Ovinotrials, registration open from 13,00 to 17,00, continuos events 8-32 players that start when full, various formats
€ 15 entry fee, structure swiss without playoff.
100% of entry fees will be converted in Store Credit* and entry fees for the main events
Example with 32 players
1) Free Entry for one Main Event + 150€*
2) Free Entry for one Main Event + 70€*
3) Free Entry for one Main Event + 30€*
4) Free Entry for one Main Event + 30€*
5) 25€*
6) 25€*
7) 25€*
8) 25€*

Saturday 11 May

Legacy Main Event
Registration open @9,30, Tournament starts @11,05

Entry Fee: €25

Prizes with 200 players

1) 4x Volcanic Island + 4 Tropical Island
2) 4x Bayou + 4 Taiga
3) Underground Sea
4) Underground Sea
5) Tropical Island
6) Tropical Island
7) Tropical Island
8) Tropical Island
9) Tundra
10) Savannah
11) Savannah
12) Savannah
13) Plateau
14) Plateau
15) Plateau
16) Plateau

Prizes with 100 players
1) Underground Sea + volcanic Island
2) Volcanic Island + Bayou
3) Tropical Island
4) Tropical Island
5) Savannah
6) Savannah
7) Savannah
8) Savannah
9) Plateau
10) Plateau
11) Plateau
12) Plateau
13) Plateau
14) Plateau
15) Plateau
16) Plateau

Guaranteed Prizes:

1) Underground Sea
2) Volcanic Island
3) Tropical Island
4) Tropical Island
5) Savannah
6) Savannah
7) Savannah
8) Savannah

Pauper Event
Registration open @13,00, Tournament starts @14,05
Entry Fee: € 15
Prizes: 100% of entry fee will be converted in Store Credit*
Prizes for 32 players:
1) 200€*
2) 100€*
3) 50€*
4) 50€*
5) 20€*
6) 20€*
7) 20€*
8) 20€*

Oldschool Main Event by Stinfo: informations coming soon

Sunday 12 May

Modern Main Event
Registration open @9,30, Tournament starts @11,05
Entry Fee: €25
Prizes with 200 players

1) 40x Shocklands + 4x Scalding Tarn + 4x Misty Rainforest + 4x Arid Mesa + 4x Verdant Catacombs + 4x Marsh Flats
2) 4x Mox Opal + 4x Scalding Tarn + 4x Snapcaster Mage + 4x Tarmogoyf
3) 4x Tarmogoyf + 4x Dark Confidant + 4x Windswept Heath
4) 4x Tarmogoyf + 4x Dark Confidant + 4x Windswept Heath
5) 4x Misty Rainforest + 4x Windswept Heath
6) 4x Misty Rainforest + 4x Windswept Heath
7) 4x Arid Mesa + 4x Polluted Delta
8) 4x Arid Mesa + 4x Polluted Delta
9) Liliana of the veil
10) Liliana of the veil
11) Liliana of the veil
12) Liliana of the veil
13) 50€*
14) 50€*
15) 50€*
16) 50€*
17) 50€*
18) 50€*
19) 50€*
20) 50€*
21) 50€*
22) 50€*
23) 50€*
24) 50€*
25) 50€*
26) 50€*
27) 50€*
28) 50€*
29) 50€*
30) 50€*
31) 50€*
32) 50€*

Guaranteed Prizes:
1) 4x Scalding Tarn+4x Misty Rainforest+4x Arid Mesa+4x Verdant Catacombs+4x Marsh Flats
2) 4x Snapcaster Mage
3) 4x Tarmogoyf
4) 4x Tarmogoyf
5) Liliana of the veil
6) Liliana of the veil
7) Liliana of the veil
8) Liliana of the veil
9) 4x Polluted Delta
10) 4x Windswept Heath
11) 4x Windswept Heath
12) 4x Windswept Heath
13) Dark Confidant
14) Dark Confidant
15) Dark Confidant
16) Dark Confidant

Commander Main Event 1Vs1 MTGO Banlist, best of 3 games
Registration open @10,30, Tournament starts @11,35
Entry Fee: €15
Prizes: 100% of entry fee will be converted in Store Credit*
Prizes for 32 players:
1) 200€*
2) 100€*
3) 50€*
4) 50€*
5) 20€*
6) 20€*
7) 20€*
8) 20€*

Vintage Main Event
Registration open @12,30, Tournament starts @14,05
Entry Fee: €20
Prizes: 100% of entry fee will be converted in Store Credit*
Prizes for 32 players:
1) 240€*
2) 100€*
3) 70€*
4) 70€*
5) 40€*
6) 40€*
7) 40€*
8) 40€*

Premodern Main event
Registration open @12,30, Tournament starts @14,35
Entry Fee: €15
Prizes: 100% of entry fee will be converted in Store Credit*
Prizes for 32 players:
1) 200€*
2) 100€*
3) 50€*
4) 50€*
5) 20€*
6) 20€*
7) 20€*
8) 20€*

*Magic Planet Store Credit:

*I premi nelle griglie possono essere indicati in Carte MTG o in Store Credit presso Magic Planet. Se il premio è in carte, può essere convertito in in Store Credit a pieno valore di mercato, secondo preferenza del giocatore. le condizioni, edizioni e lingue delle carte in premio possono variare secondo disponibilità. I premi, fatta salva la GRIGLIA GARANTITA, che non verrà mai
downgradata, saranno SEMPRE adeguati al numero effettivo
di partecipanti, come da nostra tradizione.
I Premi non sono in nessun caso convertibili in denaro.

* Prizes can be indicated in MTG Cards or in Magic Planet Store Credit. If the prize is in cards, it can be converted into Store Credit at full market value, according to the player's preference. conditions, editions and languages ​​of the cards may vary according to availability. The prizes, without prejudice to the GUARANTEED GRILL, will never be
downgraded, and will ALWAYS be adjusted to the actual number
of participants, as per our tradition.
In no case can the prizes be converted into cash.

More informations about the event coming soon, stay tuned!

See you in Piacenza :D :D :D!!!

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Livello IV
Livello IV
Messaggi: 34
Iscritto il: 7 dic '11, 12:54
Località: Castell'arquato (PC)

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